About Us

Made In Makhanda

About Us

"Made in Makhanda" is an Inkululeko initiative to support local South African artists and manufacturers from town of Makhanda in the Eastern Cape of the country. Additional goals include supporting other Inkululeko initiatives and projects through fair trading and e-commerce.

Made in Makhanda Fair Trade Values

Inkululeko upholds the following fair trade values to best support artists and manufacturers:

Including Disenfranchised Manufacturers: Inkululeko seeks to support small manufacturers and foster economic stability and sustainability. 

Transparency & Accountability: Inkululeko transparently showcases their "Made in Makhanda" drop shipping process and commercial relations with manufacturer to habilitate accountability to their consumers. 

Guaranteed Compensation: Inkululeko will contact a manufacturer before an order is canceled or rejected. In the case that an order is cancelled/rejected, Inkululeko will ensure adequate compensation for work already done. 

Fair Pricing: Inkululeko openly negotiates prices with manufacturer to ensure fair profit, which represents an equitable share of the final profit between our organization and the manufacturer. 

No Forced Labor: Inkululeko ensures that the manufacturing of the products were not a product of child or forced labor. 

Commitment to Non-Discrimination: Inkululeko does not discriminate in hiring, remuneration, access to training, promotion, termination or retirement based on race, caste, national origin, religion, disability, gender, sexual orientation, union membership, political affiliation, HIV/AIDS status or age. Inkululeko also upholds gender equity in their commercial relations through the Made in Makhanda initiative.

Transparency Clause

Product Pricing: The "Made in Makhanda" initiative gives manufacturers the liberty of establishing the prices for their own products to ensure fair pricing for sustainable livelihoods. For more information on our pricing and business practices, feel free to contact us.

Your Impact 

Besides supporting Fair Trading practices and adequate profit for small manufacturers, your purchase will support our other initiatives and programs.

Inkululeko's mission is to provide South African township youth with the skills, support, and guidance necessary to apply, attend, and succeed in university; to challenge the bigotry of low expectations for township youth; and to provide sustainable, positive change; student-by-student, generation-by-generation.

Inkululeko's Impact in the last year

Common Ground Cafe

As part of the Made in Makhanda initiative, Inkululeko is proud to offer apparel inspired by the Common Ground Cafe designed in partnership with the Pratt School of Design.

Over the last several years, Inkululeko has been excited to expand our social enterprise. Common Ground Cafe provides an opportunity for young people to engage, positively, in the environment they live in while learning valuable business skills that will serve them long after they leave Inkululeko.

Common Ground is located in Extension 7 at Ntskia Secondary. It brings the community together to enjoy a meal and to have a conversation. 

Having a safe, inviting space for young people - and created by young people - to come, have (sober and drug free) fun while playing a board game, participating in a soccer tournament, or going online are vital.